Korlátlan kalandozások itthon és Európában. Travel and Gastro



Heston Blumenthal: Marmite Consommé (original)

2015. február 20. - Tamás Gergely

750g Brown butter, strained

1kg Peeled and finely sliced onion

(approx. 5 large onions)

1kg Cleaned and finely sliced leek, white part only

(approx. 20 leeks)

500g Peeled and finely sliced carrot

(approx. 6-7 large carrots)

750g Red wine

3 Large egg whites

To finish and serve

10g Sherry vinegar (or to taste)

2 tsp Marmite (or to taste)

Salt and black pepper

To start the consommé, melt the brown butter in a pressure cooker over a medium heat and sweat the onion, leek and carrot until soft (approximately 15 minutes). In the meantime, bring the wine to the boil in a saucepan and flame off the alcohol. Boil to reduce by one-third to 500g.

Add 250g cold tap water and the reduced wine to the vegetables. Place the lid on the pressure cooker and bring up to full pressure over a high heat. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 1 hour. Take the pressure cooker off the heat and allow to cool completely before removing the lid.

Strain the broth through a fine sieve into a bowl and place in the fridge overnight to allow the fat to separate from the broth. Remove the fat and reserve (this can be used to cook vegetables, melt over steaks or finish sauces).

Pour the broth into a clean pan, and filter using egg filtration.

When ready to serve, warm the consommé, add the sherry vinegar and Marmite, and season with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Garnish with your choice from the suggestions above.

Forrás: Heston Blumenthal: At Home, 70 pp..

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